profile pic: hamster looking at vim in a screen, showing a noob (author) how the pros do it

Software Engineer

Linux, compilers, backend


Comfortable with
C Python Linux zsh/bash/sh Go


Rust js/ts Ansible Cloud (AWS) Terraform GitHub Actions Docker/K8s

Would love having time to learn more about
Rust Wasm RISC-V Category Theory Idris2

Backend/Wire EngineerCyral, Inc. cyral's icon: a stylized owl
  • Microservices for data governance/security with a pinch of compiler front-end work
  • Some proprietary stuff, here and there
February 2022 - March 2023
Undergraduate ResearchLAC/UFMG LAC's icon: a stylized dragon in the shape of a C (for Compilers), cut by an L (for Lab)
  • Research on benchmarks for compilers under the orientation of Fernando Magno Quintão Pereira;
  • Development of a tool to collect statistics from benchmarks, compute code similarity and evaluate the distance between real world programs and programs synthesized by state-of-the-art generators;
  • Creation and maintenance of the Angha Project page under the Compilers Lab repository;
July 2019 - March 2022
Data Science InternUnimed-BH/UFMG
  • Took part in a data science project, mentored by professors and PhD candidates from UFMG;
  • Developed a dashboard to analyze the performance of health care professionals;
  • Prepared practical lectures on techniques featured on the library scikit-learn using Jupyter-Notebook;
  • Helped the mentors and tutors choose didactic material on varied Data Science subjects to train the company's employees and other students;
November 2017 - December 2018
Undergraduate ResearchSpeed/UFMG
  • Cleaned and analyzed data collected from Twitter, regarding epidemiological surveillance of the Dengue fever;
  • Studied alternatives to avoid the concept drift of terminology over time, found on classification tasks;
  • Authored "Caracterizando a dinâmica de evolução temporal de mensagens em mídias sociais" - KdMiLe 2016;
October 2014 - October 2016


B. S. in Computer Science
Federal University of Minas Gerais
grad. 2021/2
Exchange Student in the Master's program
Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland


SPLASH'20 Student Volunteer
Volunteered in the SPLASH'20 conference, guiding speakers and attendees, and supporting SV chairs and Q&A hosts with anything needed. The event took place virtually and was the main access portal for OOPSLA, ECOOP, REBASE and other co-located events
SPLASH 2020 open in new icon
NASA Space Apps Challenge
Developed How did it Change? - a data visualization web app using images provided by NASA Earth Observations to help people see how the earth changed over time.
Global Finalists open in new icon
Honorable Mention open in new icon
Finnish Game Jam
Developed a satiric mobile infinity runner game using Unity3D.
FGJ Team Entry open in new icon


Computer/Board Games 3D Printing Keyboards Automation